
We've tried our best to make the Play Included website usable by as many people as possible. Some people with disabilities find using the web difficult and many sites don't accommodate those with visual or other disabilities.

While we know that it's impossible to design a site that everyone can use, by designing our site with accessibility in mind, we hope that more people can access its content. If you experience any problems with the accessibility features of this site, please let us know and we'll try to help.

Standards compliance

The pages of the Play Included website aim to comply with WCAG (A) and wherever possible WCAG (AA). Where possible our pages use structured semantic markup. H1 tags are used for main titles, and H2, H3 and H4 tags for subtitles.

Navigation shortcuts

There are two hidden links at the start of every page that allow you to jump directly to the main content of the page as well as the navigation.

Browser settings

Changing the settings in your browser may help to make this site easier to use. It's possible to change text size and colour, as well as background colours, by altering the preferences or options in your browser. The precise details of how to do this will be different for each type of browser, so you should consult your browser's help section. You can change the presentation of this website by turning off the style sheet in the browser preferences or by substituting your own style sheet.

Content functionality

Certain assets on the site have been created using Javascript. To view this content as it was intended you should ensure that Javascript is enabled on system settings.