Code of Conduct
As adults delivering the Brick-by-Brick® programme, the safety of young people is our priority. The Play Included Code of Conduct sets out a code of behaviour for adults running Brick Clubs.
This Code is in addition to our Safeguarding children, young people, and adults at risk policy and is intended to provide a practical reference point for facilitators in their delivery and management of Brick Clubs.
Do remember that you are a role model. Set a good example for others to follow
Do treat everyone with dignity and respect
Do treat all young people equally
Do listen, value and respect all young people
Do make Brick Clubs a safe, fun and creative learning experience, ensuring a hands-on experience for participants
Do keep a friendly and positive attitude to young people
Do adhere to safeguarding policies and procedures outlined by your organisation, Play Included and the LEGO Foundation
Do act within appropriate boundaries, even in difficult circumstances
Do challenge inappropriate attitudes or behaviours
Do create an environment where young people feel safe and can voice their concerns
Do report abuse to the appropriate authorities and follow your local safeguarding procedures
Do notify Play Included of any breaches of Play Included's safeguarding policy where such failure is due to the act or omission of any trainer, mentor or facilitator of the Brick-by-Brick® programme
Do maintain an up to date risk assessment procedure for Brick Clubs to help keep young people safe
Do run Brick Clubs in an education, health, charity or otherwise recognized organisational setting
Do work within your professional competencies and maintain your professional registrations
Do describe yourself by your profession (e.g. teacher, psychologist, speech and language therapist etc.) and as a professional who has undergone training in the Brick-by-Brick® programme
Do always use the TM symbol alongside the name Brick-by-Brick in the form Brick-by-Brick® programme and comply with any branding guidelines from Play Included and/or the LEGO Foundation
Do contextualise the Brick Club materials and training as may be appropriate for the circumstances, provided this does not compromise the Brick-by-Brick activities
Do connect and collaborate with your fellow Brick Club facilitators
Do ensure that any information provided in relation to the Brick Club is accurate
Do ensure appropriate and accurate records are kept for those attending Brick Clubs, and that the use and retention of any personal data is in accordance with the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018
Do not abuse your position of trust
Do not plan to be alone with a young person
Do not consume alcohol or illicit substances when you are directly responsible for young people
Do not dress inappropriately, including clothing that may be distracting or offensive to others
Do not overstep the boundaries between yourself and young people by engaging in friendships or sexual relationships
Do not subject a young person to physical, emotional or psychological abuse or neglect or develop relationships with young people that could in any way be deemed exploitative or abusive
Do not allow activities that encourage bullying behaviour e.g. dares, forfeits, initiation ceremonies
Do not use inappropriate, suggestive or threatening language
Do not provide personal contact details to any child or contact them via social media
Do not engage in inappropriate use of social media sites, which may bring you, the Brick Club or Play Included into disrepute
Do not take photographs, videos or audio recordings of a young person without the express permission of their parents/guardians
Do not act in ways that shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade young people
Do not copy, reproduce, sell, republish or redistribute Brick Club materials or training
Do not cascade the training to others in your team
Do not refer to yourself as a Brick-by-Brick facilitator unless you have successfully completed the Facilitator training course
Do not create unnecessary boundaries for participation in Brick Clubs, including the charging of fees which could exclude those from lower incomes